2m Viper: 2m
Wingspan: 2.2m (87")
Engine: 10-14kg
Fuel: 1 3.2l
standard steering gear: 10 (including 3 door steering gears),medium steering gear: 1
take-off weight: about 15kg
- Full composite construction, lightweight and strong
- Removable rudder, two piece wing and two piece stabilizer all for easy transport
- Painted outside the mold so no seam lines
- Pre-installed tubes for servo extension leads
- Servo operated gear doors
- Upgraded Carbon fiber internal plates for Australia
- Complete air frame (including aluminum wing-tubes and fiberglass control horns)t
- Scale cockpit (minus pilot)
- Dual wall tail pipe (for 80-140N turbines)
- Fuel tank
- iAT
- Pre-installed pushrods with ball links
Also available: PNP Turbine Ready version. Includes all the above, plus servos, servo extension leads and navigation lights, all pre-installed. Just add your own turbine of choice.
Turbine: 80-140N
Also requires all the usual accessories such as transmitter, receiver, batteries, power-box and possibly other small accessories.
Aileron: 20mm, Rudder: 25mm, Elevator: 20mm. Flap: 35mm for take off and 65mm for landing.
The CG is 160-177mm from the front leading edge on the root of the wing.