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New stock upcoming to Sydney Australia

Express sea freight been locked from Global warehouse to Sydney Australia. Arrival date around 1st Week of September.

Stock including 

138" Monson Giant scale plane for John/QLD, Dun/QLD, Miachel/NSW (now only Green & dark blue left)

97" GeeBee Y for George/QLD, Garry/NSW, Graeme/VIC

118" Wilga Giant scale (Simon/ACT)

Stock above all pre sold. For new orders, please use "Group/Bulk Group Deal" Page, deadline for this month without quantity restriction is the end of this month. After that, it be hard for us to arrange one airplane with one shipmment.

New Stock made by CYModel Team

98" F8F Rare Reno Gold, 96" P47 Razorback, 81" P47 Razorback, 115" Stinson Reliant (Pre sold for Karl from Perth)

Some jets upcoming in the next container:

Ultra Sagan, Viper.

Engine: Roto Motor 85cc Boxer FS/85cc Inline, 170cc FS/ UMS 9-115, 5/210. More UMS 5 Series coming in late September.

Biela Propeller:

4 Blade: 23 x10c, 23x10M, 22 x10c, 21x10c, 21x10M (to match Roto 85cc engine, NHG60cc Inline)

3 Blade: 20x10 FW190, 21x10c, 26x16 FW190

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